You can close your eyes | not your ears

Why you can't listen away....


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Let's do a little experiment: close your eyes. You see: NOTHING.

And now try to close the ears as well. And do it without fingers or other aids. Is that possible? NO!

Hearing is an instinct that we cannot "switch off" - we cannot listen away. This peculiarity comes from prehistoric man, who had to watch out for wild animals day and night. And because prehistoric man could only see ahead, he needed an additional sense. A sense for the dangers that lurked behind him. And that was hearing.

This still haunts today's digital people. Even in modern offices, in a stylish design apartment or in a spacious meeting room, we can't simply close our ears. And so we hear - even if we don't want to - our colleague's phone call or our children's screaming. And we can't just flip a switch in our brain. Our upper brain constantly tries to add to the conversations we hear and thus obtain conclusive information from them.

Modern apartments and offices often have to deal with the same problem: an unpleasant ECHO! There are no curtains, thick carpets or upholstered furniture to absorb the sound as there used to be. Instead, it is simply reflected off large glass surfaces or smooth walls and furniture. And so it is created, the ECHO - ECHO - ECHO.

But what can be done against acoustic overstimulation? Hanging panels on the wall and ceiling that absorb the sound and thus reduce the echo. The startup "SilentFiber" from the Innviertel region has taken up this issue and sells particularly sustainable acoustic panels. Robert Schwemmer - the founder - describes the products as follows: "The raw materials for our sound absorbers are hemp straw or peat fibers. The sustainable absorbers can be easily mounted on the wall or ceiling"

Robert Schwemmer has also come up with a modern tool for planning. With a 3D Planner you can put together your own acoustic panels in different colors. Using a cell phone app, you can then view this design in real time in your living room via the smartphone camera.

You can order the absorbers via an online store on Here is also a very simple online calculatorwhich shows you how many panels you need for your room.

The example with the ears shows quite vividly that we cannot solve everything technically or digitally. Even in a modern world, we are not "masters of our ears" - we cannot simply close them. But the digital world helps us to find a suitable solution for our office or our home. And so we can rely on use the best of both worlds to make our lives more pleasant and peaceful.

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