5 signs of too much noise

5 Anzeichen fuer zuviel Laerm

1. i have a hard time concentrating on my work

Hearing is a primal instinct. Unfortunately, we can't listen away when a colleague is talking loudly on the phone or we want to work next to a meeting.
With good acoustics in the room, you hear the conversations of colleagues or children less and can concentrate on your work again.

2. I often have to ask questions in conversation

If the environment is very loud, I have difficulty understanding the person I'm talking to. The quieter the room, the better the speech intelligibility.
Acoustic panels absorb sound and reduce reverberation. This makes the room quieter and I understand my conversation partner better.

3. I have difficulty relaxing / sleeping

Too much noise is stress for the body. Unwanted noise can increase the heart rate. In a noisy environment, we find it difficult to relax. We also find it difficult to sleep. 
Soundproofing panels significantly reduce the noise of the neighbor or a noisy street.

4. the noise of the neighbors seems to me louder and louder

The same applies to neighbors: We can close our eyes, but not our ears. A loud, annoying neighbor only seems louder to us over time. Habituation rarely occurs here.
To reduce the noise from the neighbor, you can install soundproof panels on the wall.

5. i am very unproductive in the office / home office

Imagine you want to work, but next to you a colleague is talking on the phone very loudly. You find it difficult to concentrate on your work. Why: The brain is constantly trying to supplement the telephone conversation. It thinks of what could be spoken on the other side of the line. So you don't have your attention on your work, but on the phone call.
With good acoustics in the room, you will no longer hear the phone call and can finally concentrate on your work again.

Natural acoustic panels swallow the noise in the room

Moss pictures create a natural atmosphere

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